Between the Bars

Between the bars. “A weblog platform for prisoners.”

New site – takes postal service letters from the incarcerated and scans them, sometimes transcribing them. Not a whole lot of content yet, but a great idea. This guy is my favorite so far.

The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world. Don’t know anyone in prison? Check your skin color. That’s right, you’re white.

Interesting factoids from a commenter on the blue-
1% of America is in prison
2% of Americans are on probation or parole
The country spent $50B on ‘correction’ in 2007, consuming the per-capita GDP of 1+ million people.
That cost will rise to $75B in 2011.

For local comparisons:
1% of Americans hold 47% of the cash
1% of Americans work for Wal-Mart
2% of Americans live abroad

The creepy Arizona Law looking to lock up illegals and harass Hispanics was drafted by for-profit prisons. This is your invisible hand and self interest making everything good and cheery you supporters of free-for-all capitalism.

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